Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cover Image for One of Sophie Tucker's albums called "Some of These Days"

Tucker, Sophie - Some Of These Days CD Cover Art

This is the cover for one of my album's.... My hit song "Some of These Days" by Shelton Brooks... also became the title of my other albums...  This picture of me shows how I was not afraid to be myself. I was never afraid to be a big woman... all in all.. in my day in age.

SophieTucker._SomeofThesedays._ Pearl.(March 18, 1997) 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Sophie,
    I love your music so much! Your very talented young lady! Ha! I loved how you say your not afraid to be yourself, I felt like that too! Even though my problem was the color of my skin. Being black was tough but I know what you mean because I remember you saying how when you were into Vaudville you had to play blackface. So you know how I felt!
    -Duke Ellington

  3. Namasta!! It is beautiful to me that a woman can take so much power. I know it is harder having good music out at our time between the wars. Also, i am an artist and i feel you have some wonderful album covers!
