Friday, April 22, 2011

Differences Between Us.


  1. Hey Darlin'
    We have some differences between us, for example you were also an actress too. I was more of a composer and band leader. And a jazz singer. And you were into Vaudville which unfortunatly I had no part of that at all. I did get my start in New York and have performed a lot in that gracious city. A lot of things we have in common. Probably more than differences. Once again I'd love to work with you hun!!
    -Duke Ellington

  2. Yes...although we are both interested in music, I traveled more in the direction of...composing, conducting, and so on. You, on the other hand, took on the curtain role, the actor side. You took it to a different style...not one that I loathe, it's actually quite entertaining. Also, you studied Jazz...I was more of a...classical artist. Amazing how differences pull us together!
    I'd be off, meet up with you soon.

  3. I can tell that we are very different. You seem very exuberant and very much at ease being center stage. I am more reserved and nothing like a "Red Hot Mama," although it sounds very fun to let go and get a little crazy sometimes.
